Our МISSION is to be your guide in investing and immigrating to Portugal

We set ourselves TASKS, using our professional knowledge and practical experience:
✓ Protect you from potential risks and mistakes
✓ Make your process of immigration to Portugal as comfortable and safe as possible
✓ Help you quickly adapt to life in a new country

For our clients

History of Excelsior Consulting

The idea of creating Excelsior Consulting belongs to a successful and resourceful business woman - Yulia Egorova. In the past, a sought-after top manager of large Russian companies. Currently, she is the owner of her own business. Having gone through the whole path of investment residence from personal experience, her main goal was to help clients avoid mistakes when investing in real estate in Portugal.

Yulia has engaged a highly qualified team of like-minded people and subject matter experts. With their active participation, a comprehensive support system and a full cycle of customer support are being implemented: from structuring needs, through an objective analysis of opportunities and potential, to determining a fitting immigration program, including investing in real estate. Our experts conduct a comprehensive analysis of the conditions and documents, due diligence of objects, which is the hallmark of the company and the key to the demand for our services.

Excelsior Consulting's clients largely share the values of its founder. These are energetic and purposeful people with a proactive approach to life, who strive to solve problems as efficiently as possible in order to achieve their goals.

In life, something rarely happens by itself, if you want changes - create these changes! As Walt Disney said: "If you can dream you can do it!"